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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Eight Traits of the New Media Landscape.

According to Henry Jenkins, (an American media scholar and currently a Provost Professor of Communication, Journalism, and Cinematic Arts) the New Media Landscape can be defined by eight distinct traits. These traits are as follows;

 - Innovative; "to invent or begin to apply using or showing new methods, ideas, etc."

 - Convergent; "characterized by convergence; tending to come together; merging."

 - Everyday; "of or pertaining to every day; daily: an everyday occurrence."

 - Appropriative; "Adj - right or suitable; fitting."

 - Networked; "Telecommunications, Computers . a system containing any combination of computers, computer terminals, printers, audio or visual display devices, or telephones interconnected by telecommunication equipment or cables: used to transmit or receive information."

 - Global; "pertaining to the whole world; worldwide; universal."

 - Generational; "a single step in natural descent, as of human beings, animals, or plants."

 - Unequal; "not equal; not of the same quantity, quality, value, rank, ability, etc."


Now i shall go through each individual trait and explain how these traits apply to New Media in both accordance to Henry James's blog and my own personal view.

- Is the process whereby comapanies use new media technology to help create new ideas or methods. Facebook regularly change its format and layout and this is to enhance our experiences upon this site. The same as different features are added such as 'the like button' this keeps it new and exciting in the hope of keeping and creating new custom.

 - Convergence within Media is the binding/merging of diffierent media forms. For example; If a new film James Bond film comes out in cinema, it is not just a cinema experience anymore. It is a cinema experience which you can then buy on DVD or Bluray, their will be a computer game for you to purchase and a soundtrack to the film available, there will also be membrobrilia such as, posters, mugs, t-shirts etc etc. In turn from merging all of these forms the producers are gaining vast profits from one individual idea. "Massive media conglomerates" are aiming to create the largest profit, in aid of doing this they channel their produced media through every medium possible ie. films can now be watched on television, online. Or books can be produced in cassette/CD form or online etc etc. Convergence is not only beneifical for the producers, consumers want to be in demand and choose when media is available to them. They want to be in contol and make all the decisions.
 A problem which Henry James explains within his article though, is that consumers are not always going to be in control and this encourages consumers to purchase illegally ie. downloading music and films from online. This could also be interpreted as the consumer taking advantage of the new media technology which has been created.
 It was only after reading Henry James's article that i realised just how huge a role convergence plays within the media. Ten years ago far less films were shown in the cinemas and films were merely produced on videos and that was all, nowadays videos arent even availabl anymore however we can purchase a film in every other form.

- As technology has expanded it has become more and more necessary to our daily lives. The threat however is that the more media becomes apart of our daily routine the more invisable it becomes to us. Henry James compares our media usage as similar to the way a fish doesn't notice the water it lives in just because it has become overally customised to it. Technology has the power to cut the consumer off from people and the environment inwhich they live.
 Mizuko, on the otherhand argues that technology can be used to help us stay in contact with our closest ones.
  I myself would agree with both statements, media can be seen as a new and easier way of socialising with websites such as facebook and twitter becoming more and more popular which isnt the case. I still much prefer socialising with my friends in person and having an actual experience, rather than sitting infront of a computer screen typing. However, now that i am a university student i relyheavil upon media to stay connected to my friends and family back home. Without facebook, my mobile phone and emailing i would find it virtually impossible to stay in contact with people.
 I do feel that people have become oblivious to their new media usage as it has become a part of their lifestle rather than a luxury, we do have to remember that we did not always have these opportunities and therefore we should not take them for granted nor forget about things we did before new media came along.
- Media is now able to filter advertisements, newsfeeds etc etc to your needs and wants. Websites such as amazon and ebay store exactly what each customer buys meaning that ebay can recommend you something similar to a good that you purchased just by looking at previous purchases. This is how the internet is becoming more and more appropriative. It is able to mould to you as an individual.

- This is the process of delivering a message from one person to another or a group of people. Issues surrounding this are centralized around how we are supposed to control who sees our message and who doesn't, as a message may have to cross through several networks in order to be delivered.

- Media is highly globalised. Media surrounds us whereever we happen to go. Everyone to a degree is a aware of media however there is concerns that the MEDC's (More economically developed countries) will control majority of not all of the media created which could potentially result in a loss of culture and anunfair advantage to those who live in LEDC's (Less economically developed countries.)

-This focuses upon how different generations use media differently and interpret their usage in a different way. Henry James feels that the three main generations; The older generation (nans and grandads) The old generation (middle aged) and the young generation (myself) all have different opinions upon new media. The older generation tend to disaprove and focus upon the way that things used to be before the inteference of media. The old generation think that it is revolutionary as it something completely new to what they experienced when at school or at work and the younger generation see media as normal and tend not to fully appreciate it.
 I know in the case of my family this is incredibly correct, my nan focuses purely upon the fact that people coped before new media technology came along and chooses to be ignorant to the enhanced opportunities it provides. My parents count themselves as lucky that they are alive to see the development of technology such as the invention of the Iphone and Ipad. I am surrounded by new media and use it daily and therefore probably don't fully appreciate the development of technology and media.

- Technology highlights a clear divide between a community. "Media represents wealth, power and knowledge" so therefore anyone who has not been a part of new media or cannot afford to participate in new media is instantly isolated and inferior.
 I feel very strongly about this point. Whilst i was looking for a job, i was surprised at how many businesses only accept applications online. It is one thing to expect your Curriculum Vitae to be word processed but now YOU HAVE TO APPLY ONLINE. This shows that there is an automatic assumption that the applicant owns a computer and has internet access which is quite ironic concidering computers are expensive and the applicant is quite clearly short of money or unemployed hence looking for a job. I realise that computers are available at libraries for free however this instantly shows the expectations of society.
 As mentioned previously, technology is creating a divide between MEDC's and LEDC's and this is affecting childrens futures. There is an expectation for people to be computer literate, unfortnately LEDC's cannot afford computers and therefore these children are facing a different education system which means that this instantly hiders there chances of getting a good job and having a positive future.
 People without computers are also disadvantaged as the internet now supplies you with a part of your education. All lecture notes are handed out through an online database called Blackboard. This particular module has a facebook group which reminds us of deadlines and lecture times plus gives us direction to useful sights, if i didnt have a computer and the internet i would be disadvantaged to everyone who did have a computer, this is incredibly unfair but unfortunately the way of the world as technology will keep expanding and will continue to increase in price.

Henry James also exclaims that we are all part of a participatory culture. This is based on the relationship between consumers and the media; how we participate and involve ourselves, creating new culture. New modes of entertainment such as, video games depend upon our active engagement, we do not simply consume them we make them happen. In otherwords, we are vital to the success of new media.

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